Draw it with Word, Publisher, Libreoffice, finish it off with Photoshop or Gimp,
take it from a pdf file, scan a scribble... you can do whatever you want, the important thing is that the width and height of the page are the same of your printing (A4? 210 × 297 mm or 8.27 × 11.69 inches).
2. Set the printer driver
First of all, you must download it from here:
Download it, unzip it in a folder, create a new printer in the Windows Control Panel on a local port of FILE: type, search for the drivers into the folder where you extracted the files, and then install the driver called "Generic InfoPrint 300dpi AFP".
Now, with the right mouse button on the fresh created printer, click on Printing Preferences and then on Advanced. Here the so desired view:
First of all, you must download it from here:
Download it, unzip it in a folder, create a new printer in the Windows Control Panel on a local port of FILE: type, search for the drivers into the folder where you extracted the files, and then install the driver called "Generic InfoPrint 300dpi AFP".
Now, with the right mouse button on the fresh created printer, click on Printing Preferences and then on Advanced. Here the so desired view:
The idea is to set the driver so that it cuts out the sheet's unprintable borders, the same that we inserted in the FRONTMGN parameter:
in this case inches are more accurate.
using millimeters
using inches
3. Import in the system
Print your layout on the newly created printer, a window will appear asking to save a file, you can use the name that you want, I'll name it layout.prn for convenience.
Now let's write down some command, first of all , transfer layout.prn on your system IFS, for example into /tmp, then create a new physical file:
file name, library and length are not so important, only copy layout.prn in a new member:
and then:
Now let's write down some command, first of all , transfer layout.prn on your system IFS, for example into /tmp, then create a new physical file:
file name, library and length are not so important, only copy layout.prn in a new member:
CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/tmp/layout.prn') TOMBR('/qsys.lib/qgpl.lib/qovlsrc.file/layout.mbr') MBROPT(*REPLACE) CVTDTA(*NONE) ENDLINFMT(*FIXED) TABEXPN(*NO)
and then:
in order to create the object LAYOUT typed *OVL in QGPL.